Service sector

The Cultural Association Onlus “Cinzia Vitale” conceives solidarity as the capability to consider with a good attitude the feelings of other people, accepting ideas and behaviors which could be also different from one’s own, without leaving someone alone, above all if we are talking about people in difficulty, who should count on someone else’s support. Solidarity is an innate feeling in each one of us. It is a natural instinct that expresses the desire for justice, to be obtained with victory rather than through violence. Solidarity is the synonym of the love we have in ourselves and that we want to give to the ones who really need it.

Among the purposes of the Association “Cinzia Vitale”, there is also the idea of co-operation with everyone that works at every level in order to stand up for the dignity of human, peace, environment and for the solidarity among people and populations. The Cultural Association Onlus “Cinzia Vitale” intends to create a link with the place where it acts, giving value: to the territory, to its resources, to the natural beauty, to the existing actuality, to the offered services from both private and public contests. Fundamentally, it wants to answer to the human necessity to live the culture as protagonist.

Every year a scholarship for the students of the last year of the United World College of Adriatic is announced. The prize has the aim to reward those students that, during their permanence in Italy, in compliance with multiculturalism, have been able to be Ambassadors for Peace. The College, which is based in Duino, offers to the students the possibility to build themselves in an environment full of incentives, a structure that combines a high level of study programmes and the education of the values of tolerance and solidarity in order to develop their enterprising spirit. The “United World Colleges” are presided by HSH Queen Noor al Hussein of Jordan. The honorary president has been the dear departed Nelson Mandela.